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Expectation and Policy



Students may enroll in a class any time up to and including starting day. Students will be encouraged not to enroll after the first class has started except for makeup purposes.




Applicants must be 18 years of age and be able to read and write the English Language.



1. Students are required to complete the enrollment application in FULL.


2. Students are required to sign the Attendance Sheet at the beginning of each class. Should a student be unable to attend a class by reason of illness or other reason, the school office should be notified, (608-836-1422), as appropriate, and

such class time may be made up during a future scheduled course. This will be subject to space availability and there may be a charge for the additional time. The school does not differentiate between unexcused and excused absences.


3. Students are expected to be on time for all classes. Should a student be more than one half-hour late for class, the instructor shall indicate such on the student’s attendance card. Time and class material will have to be made up at the direction

of the instructor. Class begins at 8 AM. As part of your training please arrive at least 10-15 minutes early so that you will be ready when class starts Also, quizzes are given every week at the start of class. If you are late it may result in not being able to take the quiz.


4. Should a student find it necessary to take a leave of absence from the school, they should notify the school office, (608-836-1422), in advance. Classes may be made up by participation in the next scheduled course. This will be subject to

availability. Students are not suspended or dismissed for unsatisfactory attendance. A leave of absence is permitted for up to one full year to complete the course.


PROBATIONARY PERIOD: The Institute of Dental Assisting does not have a probationary period.


5. The school does not have any restrictions on grades received for make-up work.




1. The tests given are a mid-term and a final exam. The tests will be multiple choice, fill in the blank, matching and clinical testing. The tests will determine the student’s skill, knowledge, and aptitude.


2. All tests will be graded by the instructor and/or clinical assistant and shown to the student the next scheduled class period following the exam. No other progress reports are issued to the student. Students are not suspended or dismissed for unsatisfactory grades or progress.


3. The school maintains all quizzes and the Mid-Term and Final Exam. For each clinical and practical subject, a record is kept of the grade received. These records are kept for a maximum of three years. After the three years, we will only keep a record of dates of attendance and final scores.


4. Satisfactory completion of the course is (80) eighty hours of classroom instruction, (eight hours once a week for ten weeks)


5. Graduation certificates will only be issued upon satisfactory completion of each of the clinical subject units, and a combined score of 70 or higher on the quiz average, mid-term, the practical clinical review, and the final exam.





The Institute of Dental Assisting serves to teach and train the student to understand the scope of dental assisting. Offering the student exposure toward becoming a cross-trained assistant, this course offers the initial training and practice needed to qualify the student to become a serious job candidate.




The total cost of this course is $3800.00. The tuition includes 80 hours of class time, textbooks, lab products and dental materials, and a Dental Assistant Pin upon completion of the course. The school requires the student to obtain the required books and supplies from the school. No meals are provided

Payment for the Dental Assisting Course can be made using one of these options:


  1. $3800.00 paid in full on or before the first class.

  2. $500.00 down payment before the first class, then $825.00 per class for four weeks. Payments are due at the beginning of each class.


A $500.00 down payment is required no later than one week prior to the start of each class with either of the payment options to GUARANTEE your place.


Payment may be made online though our payment portal or by cash or check brought to our location.


The Institute of Dental Assisting reserves the right to cancel any course due to Insufficient enrollment.




Classes run every Saturday for ten weeks, from 8:00 am to 4:00pm with a half hour lunch break. Each class on the course schedule runs for 8 hours.




1. No previous schooling is required. A high school diploma or GED is strongly Recommended.


2. The school does not grant advanced standing for prior education and training.


3. Students will not be given a degree nor any credits for completion of this program. A certificate is awarded for satisfactory completion.




Classes are held in Dr. Tressler’s dental office While students receive clinical training in a functional dental office, they will not be working on patients. A lecture/media room is utilized in addition to the clinical and lab areas.


Classrooms have close proximity to restroom facilities.




Should a student have need to drop out of the dental assisting course, the student may re-enroll by:

  1. Notify the school in writing as to the reason for dropping out.

  2. Request re-enrollment in writing addressed to the school administrator at: 8215 Greenway Blvd. Suite 100 Middleton, WI 53562 or to

  3. Student may re-enroll at no extra cost within one (1) year’s time of the next class session when it is held. If sufficient enrollment, classes will be held two or three times a year.




A full refund will be made of all deposits or payments if cancellation is made before the start of the first class or within three (3) business days after receiving notice of acceptance from the school, whichever is longer.




After the first class but prior to the second class, all but $500.00 will be refunded if cancellation is made. Books will be returned in excellent condition to the school.


For withdrawals during Class 2 through 5, a prorated refund of the balance will be made subtracting $500.00 for the cost of books, supplies, and other charges. No refunds will be made after the 5th class.


Those wishing to cancel or withdraw for illness or personal reasons may resume their course of study in the next class series with no penalty.


Refunds due to cancellations will be made within ten (10) business days.

Refunds due to withdrawals will be made within thirty (30) calendar days.


Cancellations must be in writing and mailed or dropped off at:


Institute of Dental Assisting

8215 Greenway Blvd. Suite 100

Middleton, WI 53562


(See cancellation form.)


A student who does not attend a class for a period of 3 consecutive class days without providing, prior to or during that period, an explanation to the school regarding the absences will be considered to have withdrawn.


Any issues or concerns about the course, instruction or curriculum that cannot be resolved by the instructors and administrators of IDA can be directed to the Educational Approval  Board of Wisconsin.  


Wisconsin Educational Approval Program - Department of Safety and Professional Services

4225 Madison Yards Way · Madison, WI 53705

Phone: (608) 266-1996 · Fax: (608) 264-8477 · Email:

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Institute of Dental Assisting

8215 Greenway Blvd.

Suite 100

Middleton, WI 53562


*Pending approval by the Wisconsin Educational Approval Board

© 2021 Institute of Dental Assisting

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